Do you see those three handsome little boys up above? Those are my little guys. They are how I got started, why I got started, and why I continue to do this every day. I can make this story go on and on, but to keep it simple I started my photography journey when my oldest was born. We couldn't afford to do newborn pictures, and with my background in the arts I figured I could handle it myself. My husband bought me my first DSLR camera for Christmas and I was so happy to be able to take images of my baby boy.

Fast forward a few years later, my friend posted on Facebook asking if anyone had a photographer who was available for pictures. I let her know I had a decent camera, but I was no professional. She ended up LOVING her photos and told me I could start a career in it if I wanted to. I began taking on more friends and used it more as a learning experience than anything. 

Then we got pregnant with our third and last baby. He was a high-risk pregnancy and honestly a miracle of a baby whose story I still cannot fully comprehend. Due to the nature of having to take it easy, I took a step back from being a photographer. As much as I knew it was what I needed to do, I was saddened by not being able to create for other families.

Once he turned about 1 year old, my husband and I agreed it was time for me to get back into it. This time, I didn't want to do photography as a hobby, but I wanted to perfect my craft. I met a group of ladies who are also photographer and we pushed each other to our limits. We helped each other learn, develop, and encouraged one another when things got tough and when you have your own small business, things can really be tough. 

Now, I absolutely love creating artworks for families. I put my whole heart into my edits and look forward to the reveals. I have had mom's cry with happiness at seeing their photos and it makes my heart jump for joy. When a client books me, I hope they can see and feel my passion for what I do. These are the moments we do not get back. Our kids are constantly growing older and needing us less everyday as they learn to do things on their own. I craft together heirlooms in either a studio or outdoor setting, so moms never have to forget how their beautiful child looked at that time in their life. 

Northwest Indiana Photographer